Bridge Street Ashtabula

Bridge Street Ashtabula

This pen and ink sketch was done on site during an art event on the street.  Details were added later in the studio.

Prehensile Tailed Skink

Prehensile Tailed Skink

Sketched at the Cleveland Zoo. He sat quite still but I did not have much time...



Fossil skull bones of the top predator if its day, some 360 million years ago. Sketched in marker at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

Unidentified flower

Unidentified flower

Sketched with a ballpoint pen in the back yard of the cottage we stayed at while vacationing in Maine. I have not been able to identify it. If anyone can, let me know.

Giant Isopod

Giant Isopod

Did this while teaching a "Deep Sea Monsters" class at the Ashtabula Arts Center. Showed the kids techniques in rendering and how to employ the use of gradations to provide contrast, interest, and reinforce the illusion of depth & form. These guys live about a mile under the ocean and are the size of a football.

Cryptoclidus Eurymerus

Cryptoclidus Eurymerus

A marker sketch from a photo used in a dinosaur drawing class. This critter was one of the plesiosaurs, a marine reptile. It caught fish and squid and I am sure it had the bad breath to prove it.



Marker sketch of the common sauropod found in North America that lived in the late Jurassic period.

Roscoe Turner's first racer

Roscoe Turner's first racer

Twin-view sketch of Turner's first aircraft purposely built for racing. You can see it also at the Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum in Cleveland.

Hepcat Revival

Hepcat Revival

This was a swing dance in Troy, Ohio, with music by the Hepcat Revival swing band. Great fun. Always a challenge to draw a moving target.

Sugar Plum Attendants

Sugar Plum Attendants

Sketched from the wings off stage during the production of Nutcracker. It took several shows to finish, as I had perhaps seven minutes maximum before the scene changed. 

Flak 38

Flak 38

Pencil of WWII German anti-aircraft cannon sketched at Conneaut's Annual D-Day re-enactment event. The 20mm ammo is too expensive (even if you could find it) so it was rigged to fire with propane.



Another sketch from the Conneaut D-Day event. A German soldier fires his MG38 machine gun on an anti-aircraft mount.

Caterpillar D8

Caterpillar D8

Drawn at the D Day reenactment in Conneaut, Ohio August 2015.